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MIBAGO will work with companies in various fields that utilize piezoelectric film (Piezoelectric Film) as their best value.

Our company has been conducting piezoelectric element (material) research for more than 15 years. In particular, it was established based on the technology acquired and accumulated through research on piezoelectric films. We are making great efforts and preparations to provide comprehensive services related to piezoelectric films. We will do our best to succeed in the business of various partner companies.


  In particular, we are always striving to gain an unrivaled advantage in Korea in the field of piezoelectric film sensors (PFS). From supplying piezoelectric film materials to sensor (structure) design, electrode printing, packing, production, and technical cooperation, we provide services throughout the manufacture of piezoelectric film sensor (PFS) modules.


  Based on the piezoelectric PVDF Piezo film, MIBAGO can be used as sensors, sounds, and harvesting. In addition to precise products such as bio, health, and medical, as well as mechanical and industrial sensors, road and piers, as well as sensors for safety diagnosis, to prepare for the launch of products that can alleviate/prevent drowsy driving, and to grow into a company that opens up safety, rest, future environment, and vision through smart sleep products that can alleviate/resolve snoring, apnea, and sleep induction. In addition, we are researching and developing thin film directional speakers using piezoelectric films, and in order to solve the problem of "inter-layer noise," which is emerging as a social problem, we are developing an [Active Inter-layer Noise Elimination System] system and registering patents to conduct empirical research for commercialization of social contribution companies.


MIBAGO will grow together through the success of its partner companies.

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MIBAGO company  

TEL . 070-7722-2772    FAX. 070-4170-4407


(13174)377, Gwangmyeong-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Copyrightⓒ2021 MIBAGO /  Piezo Film Professional Solution. All rights reserved

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